Saturday, May 22, 2010

SKin Remedies - Natural Remedies for Oily Skin

Oily skin remedies can be easily made at home with common ingredients. Oily skin has a tendency to develop pimples and blackheads and to have large, open pores. It may look shiny soon after cleansing. It tends to be more of a problem when we are younger as the production of sebum decreases as we age. Oily skin does have some advantages however as it develops lines and wrinkles much less readily than dry or combination skin.

Caring for Oily Skin

The sebum produced by the sebaceous glands tends to attract dirt and dust which can encourage the bacteria that cause acne to grow. There are more of these glands around the nose so blackheads and pimples can be more of a problem in this area. Oily skin needs to be kept very clean to reduce the bacteria levels. Exfoliating the skin regularly can help to keep the pores unclogged and washing with plain water followed by a mild cleanser is better than using soap. An anti bacterial lotion can be used to prevent the occurrence of acne.

Facial Products and Cosmetics

Be careful when choosing products for the face and choose water based rather than oil based ones. Mud and clay masks can help to keep the oiliness under control without drying out the skin too much.

We have gathered together some oily skin remedies for you to try at home below.

To Treat Enlarged Pores

1. Cucumber lotion
Grate and mash one cucumber then strain through muslin or a fine sieve. Add 1 cup of rosewater and 1 tablespoon tincture of benzoin. Keep in the refrigerator and use after cleansing.

2. Oatmeal and buttermilk cream
Mix ingredients 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and half a cup of buttermilk and leave overnight. Strain off the liquid and use on the face. Leave for about 20 mins then wash off with cool water, followed by an ice cube then dry gently.

3. Ground Almond Paste
Make a paste of ground almonds and apply to the face. Leave for about 20 mins then wash off with warm water followed by a solution of apple cider vinegar and water.

Oily Skin Face Masks

All the following masks should be applied to the face, left for about fifteen minutes then washed off with cool water. Cleanse with a suitable oil free cleanser then rub an ice cube over the face.

1. Make a paste from brewers yeast and smooth on the face.
2. Mash some fresh tomatoes and smooth on the face.
3. Mix Natural yogurt, Aloe Vera and crushed strawberries into a paste.
4. Blend 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon of fresh mint, half a cucumber and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
5. Puree fresh tomatoes, oats and a tablespoon of lemon juice together.
6. Beat 1 egg white and add the juice of half a lemon.
7. Mix together oatmeal or honey and natural yogurt
8. Mix together natural yogurt, one teaspoon lemon juice, one teaspoon orange juice and 1 teaspoon carrot juice.
9. Grate raw carrots and add a small amount of lemon juice.
10. Add some elder flower herb to natural yogurt.

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