Saturday, May 22, 2010

How Are Butt Implants Done?

The posterior has been represented in art and in comedy for thousands of years. In recent decades, it has become more of a sexual object in popular culture, as well as something that, especially for women, is important in making various fashion choices. Just as there are some people who love the shape of their posterior, there are also other people who do not have the posterior that they want.

These are the people who turn to various cosmetic medical procedures such as butt implants. That phrase alone might make some people laugh. However, for the people who choose to get this procedure done, it is more about improving their self esteem and giving them the curvy figure that they want.

So, who are the ideal candidates for butt implants? The right candidate should, first of all, be at least eighteen years old. Secondly, the person who chooses to have this procedure done should be physically as well as psychologically healthy. The latter is in regard to having realistic expectations, and not thinking that plastic surgery will make them perfect.

Once the prospective patient has found the right cosmetic surgeon to perform this surgery, the next step is scheduling a consultation. During the consultation, the doctor will examine the patient to make sure that (usually she) meets the requirements for the procedure, explain how the procedure works, and also answer any additional patient questions.

A question that many people will have about their butt implants is in reference to what kind of implants are going to be used. There are two choices of implants, both being made out of silicone. Depending on the overall anatomy of the patient, either solid, or semi-solid implants will be used. However, in some cases fat will be transferred from another area of the body to the posterior instead of using actual implants.

The most commonly asked questions regarding this procedure are in reference to how it is actually performed. This procedure is performed in a surgical center, and the actual incisions are made in the crease that is located at the base of the posterior. Next, the surgeon will insert the implants. If fat transfer is being done, then the procedure consists of the doctor removing fat from one area of the body, and then injecting it into the posterior.

The overall amount of time that the procedure will take is anywhere from two to three hours. After the procedure is done, the patient will experience some soreness, but that can be alleviated by prescribed medication. It will be very important for the patient to remain in bed for a full twenty four hours after the procedure has been done in order to facilitate healing.

There will b visible swelling for the first few weeks after the butt implants have been done, but that is a normal. After a few days of recuperation, the patient will be able to return to work, but it is recommended that the patient avoid doing any strenuous activities for a few weeks.

Breast Surgery Provides Effective Cosmetic Enhancement

Breast augmentation improves the size and appearance of the breasts. Women choose breast augmentation because they feel their breasts are too small, there is a discrepancy between the size of the breasts, or for further reconstruction following other breast surgery.

For women who are physically healthy as well as realistic in their goals, breast augmentation can provide an effective cosmetic enhancement. Breast implants are filled with either saline or silicone. Because of the current restrictions established for silicone implants by the Federal Drug Administration, we are using silicone implants only for women who are participating in controlled studies.

Recent studies from major national and foreign institutions demonstrate no association between auto-immune disease or breast cancer and silicone breast implants. Further studies in progress will provide us with more information on this subject. During your consultation, we will review all of the medical issues associated with the breast augmentation procedure. We are currently using saline implants with great success.

There are three possible locations for the incision: under the breast, around or within the areola, (the pigmented tissue surrounding the nipple), or within the armpit. The implants are placed either under the breast tissue or under the pectoralis major muscle and breast tissue. Incision sites and implant placement depends on a variety of factors, one of which is patient preference.

Surgery is performed with the patient fully asleep under general anesthesia. The procedure takes approximately two hours to perform. Sutures are removed in one week. Regular exercise may be resumed after four weeks.

Some patients require neither a breast augmentation nor reduction. They have lost the elasticity of the skin of the breast either after pregnancy or weight loss. For these patients a breast lift is performed.

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is an operation to remove excess skin that has been stretched during pregnancy or weight fluctuation. The amount of skin removed is related to the degree of drooping of the breasts. Breast implants may by used at the same time when the breasts have lost substance due to pregnancy.

Although there is some scarring with this procedure, women are pleased with the restructured shape and size of their breasts as well as with the way they appear in clothing and swimwear. The patient undergoes general anesthesia with the surgery lasting three to four hours.

Breast reduction serves various purposes for different people. Enlarged, pendulous breasts cause a variety of problems. The medical term for this problem is mammary hyperplasia. The weight of the breasts pulls down on the bra straps which in turn produces indentation of the shoulder skin and discomfort. Along with shoulder and back pain, the surface under the breast may rub against the chest skin producing an irritating rash. Some women even experience difficulty with breathing because of enlarged breasts. Upon the removal of glandular tissue, fat and skin, a lighter, more attractive breast can be created. The lessened pressure on the chest alleviates overall discomfort and improves respiration.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The operation takes about three to four hours to perform. Sutures are removed within one week. Depending upon the size of the breasts, the surgery is performed either at one of the associated hospitals or at a cosmetic surgery center. Those patients who choose the cosmetic surgery center are then transferred to an aftercare facility for one night.

What is a PhotoFacial Treatment?

What are the causes of red faces? Many people have an undesirable redness and or sun damage of the face. The more common causes are rosacea (a condition in up to 13 million people), sun exposure, alcohol, medications, stress, emotional causes, time and aging of the skin, repeated blushing or flushing of the skin and is seen most commonly in fair skinned individuals of northern European descent. Some of these individuals have a condition called erythrophobia a morbid fear of having a red face. A condition, in which some people are shy and embarrassed in public because of fear their face will get red.

An intense light is emitted in a series of gentle pulses over the entire face at intervals of approximately two to three weeks for a series of five treatments. This special light, which is different than laser treatments, emits light over many wavelengths allowing the light to penetrate to all the levels of the skin where abnormal easily dilated vessels can be found. Lasers produce only a single wavelength of light and are limited in depth of penetration and what they can treat. What if I don't have visible vessels only general skin redness. The intense light because of its unique nature of emission, can find even the tiniest of vessels, some of which are packed so densely as to defy individual identity.

Typically 75-95%, on average 90% improvement is seen in most patients. Are there any other conditions that can be treated with the photo facial? Yes, photo facial treatments will also help patients who suffer from photo aging of the skin, pigmentation from sun exposure (Age Spots), irregularities of skin texture, improves some mild acne scars, reduces large pores and dark circles around the eyes and helps reduce fine lines, especially around the eyes and mouth.

After your initial series of 3-5 treatments it is possible to require a follow-up treatment in 2 or more years. We will educate you in ways of caring for your skin to help diminish the likelihood of future treatments.

Are there any conditions that this treatment won't help? It won't treat frown lines, sometimes known as lines of expression on the face, especially the forehead and between the brows. It is not a substitute for a face lift and will not help baggy or sagging skin. It won't cure the puffiness around the eyes for which blepharoplasty surgery is needed. It is not a treatment for skin cancer, but can treat pre-cancers called actinic keratosis.

It won't remove bumpy moles, but can remove their pigment. It will remove, however, acquired freckling. Genetic freckles usually return after treatment. It won't remove those strands of deep parallel blood vessels occasionally seen on the lower cheeks, which can be removed in other ways. It will not remove seborrrheic keratosis including the tiny genetic ones on the upper cheeks and around the eyes sometimes called dermatosis papulosa nigra. It also won't remove sebaceous hyperplasias a benign growth of some oil glands in mid life.

SKin Remedies - Natural Remedies for Oily Skin

Oily skin remedies can be easily made at home with common ingredients. Oily skin has a tendency to develop pimples and blackheads and to have large, open pores. It may look shiny soon after cleansing. It tends to be more of a problem when we are younger as the production of sebum decreases as we age. Oily skin does have some advantages however as it develops lines and wrinkles much less readily than dry or combination skin.

Caring for Oily Skin

The sebum produced by the sebaceous glands tends to attract dirt and dust which can encourage the bacteria that cause acne to grow. There are more of these glands around the nose so blackheads and pimples can be more of a problem in this area. Oily skin needs to be kept very clean to reduce the bacteria levels. Exfoliating the skin regularly can help to keep the pores unclogged and washing with plain water followed by a mild cleanser is better than using soap. An anti bacterial lotion can be used to prevent the occurrence of acne.

Facial Products and Cosmetics

Be careful when choosing products for the face and choose water based rather than oil based ones. Mud and clay masks can help to keep the oiliness under control without drying out the skin too much.

We have gathered together some oily skin remedies for you to try at home below.

To Treat Enlarged Pores

1. Cucumber lotion
Grate and mash one cucumber then strain through muslin or a fine sieve. Add 1 cup of rosewater and 1 tablespoon tincture of benzoin. Keep in the refrigerator and use after cleansing.

2. Oatmeal and buttermilk cream
Mix ingredients 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and half a cup of buttermilk and leave overnight. Strain off the liquid and use on the face. Leave for about 20 mins then wash off with cool water, followed by an ice cube then dry gently.

3. Ground Almond Paste
Make a paste of ground almonds and apply to the face. Leave for about 20 mins then wash off with warm water followed by a solution of apple cider vinegar and water.

Oily Skin Face Masks

All the following masks should be applied to the face, left for about fifteen minutes then washed off with cool water. Cleanse with a suitable oil free cleanser then rub an ice cube over the face.

1. Make a paste from brewers yeast and smooth on the face.
2. Mash some fresh tomatoes and smooth on the face.
3. Mix Natural yogurt, Aloe Vera and crushed strawberries into a paste.
4. Blend 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon of fresh mint, half a cucumber and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
5. Puree fresh tomatoes, oats and a tablespoon of lemon juice together.
6. Beat 1 egg white and add the juice of half a lemon.
7. Mix together oatmeal or honey and natural yogurt
8. Mix together natural yogurt, one teaspoon lemon juice, one teaspoon orange juice and 1 teaspoon carrot juice.
9. Grate raw carrots and add a small amount of lemon juice.
10. Add some elder flower herb to natural yogurt.

SKin Remedies - Natural Remedies for Dry Skin

Dry skin is a result of the cells not producing enough sebum and often happens as we get older. Dry skin can look dull and thin and has a tendency to develop fine lines and wrinkles. People with dry skin do not usually develop acne or blackheads. It can be a result of vitamin deficiency, including vitamins A, B and E or may be caused by exposure to environmental stresses including the sun, wind or cold weather. Some cosmetics and chemical applied to the skin can strip out the natural oils leaving the skin temporarily too dry.

Care of Dry Skin

Always use warm or cool water to wash the face, never hot water and avoid using a harsh wash cloth as the rough texture can irritate the skin. Avoid the use of harsh soaps. Soap containing avocado, almond or olive oil is better for dry skins. Every morning spray a light mist of mineral water on your face and gently pat dry. Use a moisturiser generously to increase the water content of the skin especially around the eyes and lips where tiny lines can develop.

Exfoliate regularly to remove dead cells and to stimulate the skin but gently cleanse after use, do not over do rubbing the skin. Take care when choosing cosmetics and other products for the face and avoid those containing oil. Ensure your diet contains adequate fruit and vegetables. Omega 3 containing foods such as salmon, herring, walnuts, pecan, hazel nuts etc are important to ensure healthy skin.

Smoking or inhaling second hand smoke can have a drying effect on the skin and should be avoided. The nicotine in smoke constricts the tiny blood vessels that feed the skin resulting in oxygen and nutrients depletion. This leads to damage to the skin cells which results in dry skin and lines and wrinkles.

Skin remedies to rehydrate the skin are easy to make and we have gathered together some popular ones here.

Honey Skin Remedy Mask

Warm one tablespoon of honey in a double boiler or in a bowl placed in hot water. Once it has melted mix in 1 tablespoon of ground almonds and enough warm water to give a smooth consistency. Apply after cleansing while still warm and leave for about fifteen minutes then wash off with warm water.

Dry Skin Steam Treatment

Boil some water then add rose, thyme, orange blossoms, rosemary, chamomile or peppermint leaves. Place a large towel over your head and allow the steam to clean you face. This will stimulate circulation in the skin, remove dirt and oil and moisturise.

Gentle Exfoliating Skin Remedy

Mash any of the following ingredients: oatmeal, ground almonds, wheat germ, mashed banana, mashed papaya or brewers yeast. Mix with a small amount of warm water and smooth over the face. Leave for about fifteen minutes then wash off with warm water.

Moisturising Face Mask

Mix together equal parts honey, mashed banana and avocado. Smooth on the face and leave for fifteen minutes before washing off with warm water.