Saturday, May 22, 2010

How Are Butt Implants Done?

The posterior has been represented in art and in comedy for thousands of years. In recent decades, it has become more of a sexual object in popular culture, as well as something that, especially for women, is important in making various fashion choices. Just as there are some people who love the shape of their posterior, there are also other people who do not have the posterior that they want.

These are the people who turn to various cosmetic medical procedures such as butt implants. That phrase alone might make some people laugh. However, for the people who choose to get this procedure done, it is more about improving their self esteem and giving them the curvy figure that they want.

So, who are the ideal candidates for butt implants? The right candidate should, first of all, be at least eighteen years old. Secondly, the person who chooses to have this procedure done should be physically as well as psychologically healthy. The latter is in regard to having realistic expectations, and not thinking that plastic surgery will make them perfect.

Once the prospective patient has found the right cosmetic surgeon to perform this surgery, the next step is scheduling a consultation. During the consultation, the doctor will examine the patient to make sure that (usually she) meets the requirements for the procedure, explain how the procedure works, and also answer any additional patient questions.

A question that many people will have about their butt implants is in reference to what kind of implants are going to be used. There are two choices of implants, both being made out of silicone. Depending on the overall anatomy of the patient, either solid, or semi-solid implants will be used. However, in some cases fat will be transferred from another area of the body to the posterior instead of using actual implants.

The most commonly asked questions regarding this procedure are in reference to how it is actually performed. This procedure is performed in a surgical center, and the actual incisions are made in the crease that is located at the base of the posterior. Next, the surgeon will insert the implants. If fat transfer is being done, then the procedure consists of the doctor removing fat from one area of the body, and then injecting it into the posterior.

The overall amount of time that the procedure will take is anywhere from two to three hours. After the procedure is done, the patient will experience some soreness, but that can be alleviated by prescribed medication. It will be very important for the patient to remain in bed for a full twenty four hours after the procedure has been done in order to facilitate healing.

There will b visible swelling for the first few weeks after the butt implants have been done, but that is a normal. After a few days of recuperation, the patient will be able to return to work, but it is recommended that the patient avoid doing any strenuous activities for a few weeks.

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